1. Leostar

    After reading your blog I’m in somewhat of a place of confusion. I’m have been taught that our purpose in life is to have inter peace and to achieve ones goals on a individual basis. The best results I’ve found that work for me is service to another human being without the need of profit, exploring ones thoughts with the goal for self improvement and to look at failure as a chance to learn but not give up. What is it that you could do to change a formula that works for so many other then to motivate action?

    • Kristin Larsen

      I would like to thank you for your insight and comments. This blog has been created as a tool for myself and others to explore what their goals and dreams are in conjunction with values, interests, skills and abilities. It also provides me with a way of accountability so I am encouraged to continue pursuing my goals and dreams that I have. I am trying to provide a resource for others who may be encountering similar challenges in their lives in regards to achieving goals and dreams, share information and steps that I have and will be taking as well as proven methods of accomplishment. Goals and dreams that an individual has do not need to reflect money or profit. Everyone has different goals and dreams which correspond to their life values. As I continue to publish more articles they will reflect upon the importance of failure as a proven cycle to learn and grow and resiliency. I am trying to provide a resource platform with inspiration and motivation so others can take action on their goals and dreams. Each individual is responsible to take the next step for action.

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